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Back in 1996, Rabbi Finman was asked to speak to the niece of one of his students. After spending many hours answering her questions, the woman gave Rabbi Finman her e-mail address. Rabbi Finman wrote the woman a note and included in it a short insight into that week's Parsha and a short Chasidic story.

Realizing that this was something no one was yet doing,, Rabbi Finman sent the missive to his mailing list of about 30 people. Requests from recipients friends came pouring in. The next week Rabbi Finman sent the e-Parsha to 100 people. Within a year more than 2000 people were receiving it. Today, more than 14,000 receive the e-Parsha weekly and the requests keep coming in.

Pekudei 5785
Vayakhell 5785
Ki Sissa - Purim 5785
Titsaveh 5785
Teruma 5785

Pekudei 5785

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Watch the archived edition of the YouParsha Vayakhel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONUw7jDmY_w Gathering Individuality


When the Mishkan - portable sanctuary was finally completed at the end of Parshas Pekudei - Exocus 38:21- end, the "Glory" of Hashem became present. It is explained that this "glory" was the light that was created on the first day. This immense G'dliness was hidden from the world for fear of misuse, but the Almighty reserved this light for the righteous.

It is explained in the Kaballah that this light was actually darkness. The Prophet Isaiah writes, "You formed light and created darkness." The verb formed merely indicates fashioning an already existent entity. Created indicates something new. This darkness was not just the absence of light but a higher form of light. The example given is of a flame. The part closest to the wick is dark. The darkness, specifically, consumes the fuel. This light is called darkness as it is not visible. It is too great a revelation to consciously appreciate.

The purpose of the sanctuary was to provide a resting place for Hashem in this physical world. An edifice is not required as the ultimate desired resting place is in our hearts. The Almighty is present in our lives - but not manifest in a visible way. Hashem does not merely fashion what exists within us - Hashem creates anew.

When the Bnai Yisroel saw the Glory of Hashem, they fell on their faces and sang (people in the Bible were always falling on their faces). When we recognize the relationship Hashem maintains within us - we too, should sing.


Five hundred years ago, there lived a king in Persia who was a descendant of King Achashverosh. He took interest in The Book of Esther as it describes in detail the origin of his ancestor's royal dynasty. The king discovered that Haman offered to pay King Achashverosh 10,000 silver ducats in order to do whatever he wanted with the Jews. In the end the money was not paid. Smiling, the Persian king worked out a smart idea. He summoned the rabbis of the Jewish community and told them, "I command you to pay the 10,000 silver ducats you owe my ancestors!" The rabbis tried to explain to the king that King Achashverosh remitted the money to Haman as it says: "The money is given to you", but the Persian king did not give in, "I want the money within a month. If not, you will be expelled from your homes!"

In their plight, they decided that the best thing to do was to send a messenger to Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the Holy Ari who resided in Tsfat in the Holy Land in order to ask for his blessing and advice. The messenger set out on his trip on a fast camel and shortly arrived in Tsfat. He handed over the letter written by the Rabbis of the Jewish community in Persia and pleaded in tears for help, asking the holy Ari to pray on their behalf to our Father in Heaven.

The Holy Ari went into his private study and returned holding a small box in his hand. The Ari said to him, "The Jews have repented with a full heart and the evil decree has been revoked. There is no need to pay the ransom. Instead, on the day of payment, the leaders of the Jewish community are to hand this box to the king. The box must be opened only by the king."

That night, the king had a terrifying dream. In it, a storm raged outside. Suddenly the windows to his room burst open. A man clad in white with fiery eyes entered his room through the window. The king wanted to cry for help, but the words were stuck in his throat. The white figure took him by the hand and led him to a forest. There was an open area between the trees. The white figure turned to the king and asked him in a stern voice, "What do you see?" "I see a high pole and somebody hanging from it," the king said in fear. They continued their walk another few steps and again the figure in white asked the king what he saw. "I see another high pole with somebody hanging from it - and there is another one and yet another." "How many poles do you see?" the figure asked. "I can see eleven poles with people hanging from the top - and over there is another pole - but nobody is hanging from it," said the king trembling with fear. "The people hanging there are Haman and his ten sons," said the figure to the king. "The empty pole is meant for people who walk in their evil ways!"

The white figure took the king by the hand and led him back to the king's palace. The figure made the king sit down at his writing desk and said, "Give up all your claims against the Jews and sign the document with the royal seal!" The king wrote the document with a trembling hand, signed it, and stamped the royal seal under his signature. He handed the document to the man in white who disappeared through the window. Suddenly the king woke up from his nightmare. He found himself sitting at his desk, shivering with fear. Outside, was a quiet summer night.

The messenger came back from Tsfat to the Jewish leaders in Persia with good tidings. The holy Ari had indeed helped! The Jews, however, did not rest the whole month. They studied Torah, spent many hours in prayer and took upon themselves to rectify everything that needed improvement. Especially, they asked each other for forgiveness and increased dramatically in brotherly love.

When the day came, the leaders of the Jewish community took the box that they had received from the Holy Ari and approached the king. "Where is my money?" the king roared. "Your majesty, we have been instructed to bring this box for you," said the spokesman of the delegation and handed the box to the king. The king took the box, opened it and found a signed document inside. When he started to read, he suddenly screamed in terrible fear and fainted on the floor. "Oh no, it was not a dream!" he whispered in panic. "The next hanging pole was meant for me because of my behavior towards the Jews."

Nobody knew what he was talking about, but when he recovered, somewhat he handed the document to the Jewish leaders and said, "Everything which is written in this document is hereby established as law. I give up all my claims regarding the debt. I promise not to harm any Jew from now on. You are released from all previous monetary claims."

"The Jews had light and joy and gladness and honor" (Esther 8:16). They immediately dispatched a special messenger in order to express their gratitude to the Holy Ari. All over Persia, the Jews celebrated parties of thanksgiving to G,d for their wonderful delivery. (Courtesy of Ascent of Safed)


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The Torah e-Parsha is a project of Jewish Ferndale. For information on sponsoring the Torah e-Parsha in memory or for the recovery of a loved one, in honor of a simcha or you just feel like being nice, contact via reply.

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